Club History

Dear Enthusiast, Thank you for your interest in the Ford Cortina Mk II & 1600E Owners’ Club Limited (the Club). The Club was established in 1976 and was run for local enthusiasts by the late Richard Southern and the late John Danvers in the Manchester and Leicester areas. During the following twelve months it became increasingly apparent, from countrywide enquiries, that some form of National Club was required. In the summer of 1977 the Club was reorganised into the former unincorporated National Club. Then, in 2003 because of the success of its Spares Scheme, the National Committee decided that, for the protection of the Membership as a whole, the former Club should be incorporated into a Company limited by guarantee. Membership of the unincorporated Club reached a peak of around 1500, but more recently the number has tended to fluctuate around 450 to 500 and includes Members in both the United Kingdom and various parts of the world, including countries such as Eire, Australia, Malta, the U.S.A. and Cyprus, to name a few.

The Club has several Local Branches in various areas of the United Kingdom. A list of Local Branches and Area Contacts is given on the inside front cover of the Club Magazine “The Executive” as well as on the “Branches” pages of this website . Branches give the more active Members the opportunity to meet at regular intervals throughout the year and thus gain first hand advice and assistance with their Cortina, whilst simultaneously motivating their interest in the car and the Club. Branches can, with permission from the National Committee, organise their own events or represent the Club at other local events in the area they cover.

The National Weekend, organised by the National Committee, is held annually at a suitable venue to cater for the needs of the Members and their families. Many Members travel long distances, including overseas, to attend this, the major Club Event of the year. Typically, the Saturday afternoon is when the Club’s AGM is held and the evening is the time when Members socialise and meet old acquaintances and make new friends, with Sunday being the main rally day where various competition categories are held.Cortinas that congregate at the National range from concours to ones that are used every day. There is lots of time to walk around the independent auto jumble stalls, and the Club’s own Spares Scheme area. A Member seeking service items or just an elusive part can usually find what it is they are after. (Usually at realistic prices as well) It is also an ideal place for a Member to have an official valuation of their Cortina for insurance purposes. Full camping or caravan facilities are available on site or, if the Member prefers, Hotel or Bed and Breakfast accommodation is close by. There are lots of things to do for all the family including children. All in all, it’s a date not to be missed.

From 1992, anyone with a genuine interest in the Mk2 Cortina was able to become a Member of the former Club, regardless of vehicle ownership. That is still the case. This also was the year it was decided that the Club would start a Spares Scheme. A Spares Secretary would, on behalf of the Membership, locate and purchase parts for resale back to the Membership. Any excess made is used to purchase more spares or, as is now the case, used to commission the remanufacture of parts that are no longer available. These spares are for sale only to fully paid up Members and are not available to non-members of the Club. To date, this scheme has worked extremely well and is a credit to those who have run it.

Also in 1992, it was decided that the Club would welcome within its ranks owners of all the Mk2 Cortina models, not just the 1600E, whilst still retaining its former identity of the Ford Cortina 1600E Owners’ Club. The Club now boasts within its Membership, representatives of all the models of Mk2 Cortinas and all the variants produced outside of The Ford Motor Company. These include the Jeff Uren 3ltr Savage, the Crayford and Broadspeed 3ltr models, the Crayford Convertible and Cabriolet models. A further change in the former unincorporated Club rules in 1995 abolished the position of Associate Member and gave all Members, Cortina owners or not, equal rights within the former Club.

The Club produces an informative quarterly magazine called “The Executive”, which contains a wide range of hints, tips, stories and letters sent in by the Membership. Both the Spares Secretary and the Club Regalia Officer publish lists of items for sale, along with current prices, and there is a section of “Sales and Wants” from Members wishing to sell or purchase vehicles and parts. It also contains other items of special interest to the Mk2 Cortina owner. The Club does not publish a list of “Club Approved” suppliers or services, but Members are encouraged to let the Membership know, through the magazine, of any company they recommend themselves by reason of good value, workmanship and reliability. These can include companies such as Parts suppliers, Specialised Item suppliers and Insurance Brokers.